"use strict"; //Wrapping all JavaScript code into a IIFE function for prevent global variables creation (function ($) { var $body = $('body'); var $window = $(window); //hidding menu elements that do not fit in menu width //processing center logo function menuHideExtraElements() { //cleaneng changed elements $('.sf-more-li, .sf-logo-li').remove(); var windowWidth = $('body').innerWidth(); $('.sf-menu').each(function () { var $thisMenu = $(this); var $menuWraper = $thisMenu.closest('.top-nav'); $menuWraper.attr('style', ''); if (windowWidth > 1199) { //grab all main menu first level items var $menuLis = $menuWraper.find('.sf-menu > li'); $menuLis.removeClass('sf-xl-hidden'); var $headerLogoCenter = $thisMenu.closest('.header_logo_center'); var logoWidth = 0; var summaryLiWidth = 0; if ($headerLogoCenter.length) { var $logo = $headerLogoCenter.find('.logo'); // 30/2 - left and right margins logoWidth = $logo.outerWidth(true) + 70; } // var wrapperWidth = $('.sf-menu').width(); var wrapperWidth = $menuWraper.outerWidth(true); $menuLis.each(function (index) { //4 - 4px additional width for inline-block LI element var elementWidth = $(this).outerWidth() + 4; summaryLiWidth += elementWidth; if (summaryLiWidth >= (wrapperWidth - logoWidth)) { var $newLi = $('
  • ...
  • '); $($menuLis[index - 1]).before($newLi); var newLiWidth = $($newLi).outerWidth(true); var $extraLiElements = $menuLis.filter(':gt(' + (index - 2) + ')'); $extraLiElements.clone().appendTo($newLi.find('ul')); $extraLiElements.addClass('sf-xl-hidden'); return false; } }); //processing center logo if ($headerLogoCenter.length) { var $menuLisVisible = $headerLogoCenter.find('.sf-menu > li:not(.sf-xl-hidden)'); var menuLength = $menuLisVisible.length; var summaryLiVisibleWidth = 0; $menuLisVisible.each(function () { summaryLiVisibleWidth += $(this).outerWidth(); }); var centerLi = Math.floor(menuLength / 2); if ((menuLength % 2 === 0)) { centerLi--; } var $liLeftFromLogo = $menuLisVisible.eq(centerLi); $liLeftFromLogo.after('
  • '); $headerLogoCenter.find('.sf-logo-li').width(logoWidth); var liLeftRightDotX = $liLeftFromLogo.offset().left + $liLeftFromLogo.outerWidth(); var logoLeftDotX = windowWidth / 2 - logoWidth / 2; var menuLeftOffset = liLeftRightDotX - logoLeftDotX; $menuWraper.css({'left': -menuLeftOffset}) } }// > 991 }); //sf-menu each } //menuHideExtraElements function initMegaMenu(timeOut) { var $megaMenu = $('.top-nav .mega-menu'); if ($megaMenu.length) { setTimeout(function () { var windowWidth = $('body').innerWidth(); if (windowWidth > 991) { $megaMenu.each(function () { var $thisMegaMenu = $(this); //temporary showing mega menu to proper size calc $thisMegaMenu.css({'display': 'block', 'left': 'auto'}); //checking for sticked side header var stickedSideHeaderWidth = 0; var $stickedSideHeader = $('.header_side_sticked'); if ($stickedSideHeader.length && $stickedSideHeader.hasClass('active-slide-side-header')) { stickedSideHeaderWidth = $stickedSideHeader.outerWidth(true); if ($stickedSideHeader.hasClass('header_side_right')) { stickedSideHeaderWidth = -stickedSideHeaderWidth; } windowWidth = windowWidth - stickedSideHeaderWidth; } var thisWidth = $thisMegaMenu.outerWidth(); var thisOffset = $thisMegaMenu.offset().left - stickedSideHeaderWidth; var thisLeft = (thisOffset + (thisWidth / 2)) - windowWidth / 2; $thisMegaMenu.css({'left': -thisLeft, 'display': 'none'}); if (!$thisMegaMenu.closest('ul').hasClass('nav')) { $thisMegaMenu.css('left', ''); } }); } }, timeOut); } } //NOTE: affixed sidebar works bad with side headers function initAffixSidebar() { var $affixAside = $('.affix-aside'); if ($affixAside.length) { $window = $(window); //on stick and unstick event $affixAside.on('affix.bs.affix', function (e) { var affixWidth = $affixAside.width() - 1; var affixLeft = $affixAside.offset().left; $affixAside .width(affixWidth) .css("left", affixLeft); }).on('affix-bottom.bs.affix', function (e) { var affixWidth = $affixAside.width() - 1; //if sticked left header var stickedSideHeaderWidth = 0; var $stickedSideHeader = $('.header_side_sticked'); if ($stickedSideHeader.length && $stickedSideHeader.hasClass('active-slide-side-header') && !$stickedSideHeader.hasClass('header_side_right')) { stickedSideHeaderWidth = $stickedSideHeader.outerWidth(true); } var affixLeft = $affixAside.offset().left - stickedSideHeaderWidth - $('#box_wrapper').offset().left; ; $affixAside .width(affixWidth) .css("left", affixLeft); }).on('affix-top.bs.affix', function (e) { $affixAside.css({"width": "", "left": ""}); }); //counting offset var offsetTopAdd = 10; var offsetBottomAdd = 150; var offsetTop = $affixAside.offset().top - $('.page_header').height(); //note that page_footer and page_copyright sections must exists - else this will cause error in last jQuery versions var offsetBottom = $('.page_footer').outerHeight(true) + $('.page_copyright').outerHeight(true); $affixAside.affix({ offset: { top: offsetTop - offsetTopAdd, bottom: offsetBottom + offsetBottomAdd }, }); $window.on('resize', function () { //returning sidebar in top position if it is sticked because of unexpected behavior $affixAside.removeClass("affix affix-bottom").addClass("affix-top").trigger('affix-top.bs.affix'); var offsetTopSectionsArray = [ '.page_topline', '.page_toplogo', '.page_header', '.page_title', '.blog_slider', '.blog-featured-posts' ]; var offsetTop = 0; offsetTopSectionsArray.map(function (val) { offsetTop += $(val).outerHeight(true) || 0; }); //note that page_footer and page_copyright sections must exists - else this will cause error in last jQuery versions var offsetBottom = $('.page_footer').outerHeight(true) + $('.page_copyright').outerHeight(true); $affixAside.data('bs.affix').options.offset.top = offsetTop - offsetTopAdd; $affixAside.data('bs.affix').options.offset.bottom = offsetBottom + offsetBottomAdd; $affixAside.affix('checkPosition'); }); $affixAside.affix('checkPosition'); }//eof checking of affix sidebar existing } //photoSwipe gallery plugin function initPhotoSwipe() { if (typeof PhotoSwipe !== 'undefined') { //adding prettyPhoto for backward compatibility. Deprecated. //will leave only .photoswipe-link later var gallerySelectors = '.photoswipe-link, a[data-gal^="prettyPhoto"], [data-thumb] a'; var $galleryLinks = $(gallerySelectors); if ($galleryLinks.length) { //adding photoswipe gallery markup if (!($('.pswp').length)) { $body.append(''); //if function already was called - return (all listeners was setted and .pswp gallery container was added) } else { return; } //adding prettyPhoto for backward compatibility. Deprecated. $('body').on('click', gallerySelectors, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $link = $(this); var $linksParentContainer = $link.closest('.photoswipe-container, .isotope-wrapper, .owl-carousel, .flickr_ul, .images'); var $links = $linksParentContainer.find(gallerySelectors); //for cloned owl-carousel items - continue to prevent duplicating - moved to EACH loop //start index does not work with owl-carousel loop enabled // if ($linksParentContainer.is('.owl-carousel')) { // $links = $links.filter(function (index) { // return !($(this).closest('.cloned').length); // }); // } //if no container only adding this link if (!$links.length) { $links.push($link); } var items = []; var options = { bgOpacity: 0.7, showHideOpacity: true, history: false, shareEl: false, //data index is set in owl carousel init index: $link.data('index') ? $link.data('index') : 0 }; var gallery = $('.pswp')[0]; //building items array $links.each(function (i) { var $this = $(this); //if cloned element (owl or flexslider thumbs) - continue if ($this.closest('.clone, .cloned').length) { return; } //TODO think about hide items that are not showing after filtering and renew indexes for them // if ($linksParentContainer.hasClass('isotope-wrapper') && !$this.is(':visible')) { // return; // } var item = {}; //if not owl carousel if (($link[0] === $this[0]) && !($link.data('index'))) { //start from 0 if ($linksParentContainer.hasClass('owl-carousel') || $linksParentContainer.hasClass('images')) { options.index = i - 1; } else { options.index = i; } } //video or image if ($this.data('iframe')) { //for wordpress - iframe tag is escaped //item.html = $this.data('iframe').replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/$lt;/g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/$quot;/g, '"'); //for html - building iframe manually //autoplay only if 1 iframe in gallery var autoplay = ( $links.length > 1 ) ? '' : '&autoplay=1'; item.html = '
    '; // item.html += ''; item.html += ''; item.html += '
    '; } else { item.src = $this.attr('href'); //default values var width = 1200; var height = 780; //template data on A element var data = $this.data(); //image data in Woo var dataImage = $this.find('img').first().data(); if (data.width) { width = data.width; } if (data.height) { height = data.height; } if (typeof dataImage !== 'undefined') { if (dataImage.large_image_width) { width = dataImage.large_image_width; } if (dataImage.large_image_height) { height = dataImage.large_image_height; } } item.w = width; item.h = height; } items.push(item); }); var pswpGallery = new PhotoSwipe(gallery, PhotoSwipeUI_Default, items, options); pswpGallery.init(); //pausing video on close and on slide change pswpGallery.listen('afterChange', function () { $(pswpGallery.container).find('iframe').each(function () { //"method":"pause" - form Vimeo, other - for YouTube $(this)[0].contentWindow.postMessage('{"method":"pause","event":"command","func":"pauseVideo","args":""}', '*') }); }); pswpGallery.listen('close', function () { $(pswpGallery.container).find('iframe').each(function () { //"method":"pause" - form Vimeo, other - for YouTube $(this)[0].contentWindow.postMessage('{"method":"pause","event":"command","func":"pauseVideo","args":""}', '*') }); }); }); } } } //helper functions to init elements only when they appears in viewport (jQUery.appear plugin) function initAnimateElement(self, index) { var animationClass = !self.data('animation') ? 'fadeInUp' : self.data('animation'); var animationDelay = !self.data('delay') ? 150 : self.data('delay'); setTimeout(function () { self.addClass("animated " + animationClass); }, index * animationDelay); } function initCounter(self) { if (self.hasClass('counted')) { return; } else { self.countTo().addClass('counted'); } } function initProgressbar(el) { el.progressbar({ transition_delay: 300 }); } function initChart(el) { var data = el.data(); var size = data.size ? data.size : 270; var line = data.line ? data.line : 20; var bgcolor = data.bgcolor ? data.bgcolor : '#ffffff'; var trackcolor = data.trackcolor ? data.trackcolor : '#c14240'; var speed = data.speed ? data.speed : 3000; el.easyPieChart({ barColor: trackcolor, trackColor: bgcolor, scaleColor: false, scaleLength: false, lineCap: 'butt', lineWidth: line, size: size, rotate: 0, animate: speed, onStep: function (from, to, percent) { $(this.el).find('.percent').text(Math.round(percent)); } }); } function initGoogleMap() { //Google Map script var $googleMaps = $('#map, .page_map'); if ( $googleMaps.length ) { $googleMaps.each(function() { var $map = $(this); var lat; var lng; var map; //map styles. You can grab different styles on https://snazzymaps.com/ //dark style var styles = [ { "featureType": "all", "elementType": "labels.text.fill", "stylers": [ { "color": "#ffffff" } ] }, { "featureType": "all", "elementType": "labels.text.stroke", "stylers": [ { "color": "#000000" }, { "lightness": 13 } ] }, { "featureType": "all", "elementType": "labels.icon", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "featureType": "administrative", "elementType": "geometry.fill", "stylers": [ { "color": "#000000" } ] }, { "featureType": "administrative", "elementType": "geometry.stroke", "stylers": [ { "color": "#144b53" }, { "lightness": 14 }, { "weight": 1.4 } ] }, { "featureType": "landscape", "elementType": "all", "stylers": [ { "color": "#08304b" } ] }, { "featureType": "poi", "elementType": "geometry", "stylers": [ { "color": "#0c4152" }, { "lightness": 5 } ] }, { "featureType": "road.highway", "elementType": "geometry.fill", "stylers": [ { "color": "#000000" } ] }, { "featureType": "road.highway", "elementType": "geometry.stroke", "stylers": [ { "color": "#0b434f" }, { "lightness": 25 } ] }, { "featureType": "road.arterial", "elementType": "geometry.fill", "stylers": [ { "color": "#000000" } ] }, { "featureType": "road.arterial", "elementType": "geometry.stroke", "stylers": [ { "color": "#0b3d51" }, { "lightness": 16 } ] }, { "featureType": "road.local", "elementType": "geometry", "stylers": [ { "color": "#000000" } ] }, { "featureType": "transit", "elementType": "all", "stylers": [ { "color": "#146474" } ] }, { "featureType": "water", "elementType": "all", "stylers": [ { "color": "#021019" } ] } ]; // light style // var styles = [{"featureType": "water","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#e9e9e9"},{"lightness": 17}]},{"featureType": "landscape","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#f5f5f5"},{"lightness": 20}]},{"featureType": "road.highway","elementType": "geometry.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#ffffff"},{"lightness": 17}]},{"featureType": "road.highway","elementType": "geometry.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#ffffff"},{"lightness": 29},{"weight": 0.2}]},{"featureType": "road.arterial","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#ffffff"},{"lightness": 18}]},{"featureType": "road.local","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#ffffff"},{"lightness": 16}]},{"featureType": "poi","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#f5f5f5"},{"lightness": 21}]},{"featureType": "poi.park","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#dedede"},{"lightness": 21}]},{"elementType": "labels.text.stroke","stylers": [{"visibility": "on"},{"color": "#ffffff"},{"lightness": 16}]},{"elementType": "labels.text.fill","stylers": [{"saturation": 36},{"color": "#333333"},{"lightness": 40}]},{"elementType": "labels.icon","stylers": [{"visibility": "off"}]},{"featureType": "transit","elementType": "geometry","stylers": [{"color": "#f2f2f2"},{"lightness": 19}]},{"featureType": "administrative","elementType": "geometry.fill","stylers": [{"color": "#fefefe"},{"lightness": 20}]},{"featureType": "administrative","elementType": "geometry.stroke","stylers": [{"color": "#fefefe"},{"lightness": 17},{"weight": 1.2}]}]; //markers var $markers = $map.find('.marker'); //map settings var address = $markers.first().find('.marker-address').text() ? $markers.first().find('.marker-address').text() : 'london, baker street, 221b'; var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); var draggable = $map.data('draggable') ? $map.data('draggable') : false; var scrollwheel = $map.data('scrollwheel') ? $map.data('scrollwheel') : false; //type your address after "address=" geocoder.geocode({ address: address }, function(data){ lat = data[0].geometry.location.lat(); lng = data[0].geometry.location.lng(); var center = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); var settings = { mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, zoom: 16, draggable: draggable, scrollwheel: scrollwheel, center: center, styles: styles }; map = new google.maps.Map($map[0], settings); var infoWindows = []; $($markers).each(function(index) { var $marker = $(this); var markerTitle = $marker.find('.marker-title').text(); //building info widnow HTML code var markerDescription = ''; markerDescription += markerTitle ? '

    ' + markerTitle + '

    ' : ''; markerDescription += $marker.find('.marker-description').html() ? '
    ' + $marker.find('.marker-description').html() + '
    ' : ''; if(markerDescription) { markerDescription = '
    ' + markerDescription + '
    '; } geocoder.geocode({ address: $marker.find('.marker-address').text() }, function(data){ var iconSrc = $marker.find('.marker-icon').attr('src'); var lat = data[0].geometry.location.lat(); var lng = data[0].geometry.location.lng(); var center = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: center, title: markerTitle, map: map, icon: iconSrc }); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: markerDescription }); infoWindows.push(infowindow); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { for (var i=0;i'); $thisMenu.find('.sf-menu-item-mobile-toggler').on('click', function (e) { var $parentLi = $(this).parent(); if ($parentLi.hasClass('sfHover')) { $parentLi.superfish('hide'); } else { $parentLi.superfish('show'); } }); } }); $('ul.sf-menu-side').superfish({ popUpSelector: 'ul:not(.mega-menu ul), .mega-menu ', delay: 500, animation: {opacity: 'show', height: 100 + '%'}, animationOut: {opacity: 'hide', height: 0}, speed: 400, speedOut: 300, disableHI: false, cssArrows: true, autoArrows: true }); } $('.header-special .close-wrapper a').on('click', function () { $(this).closest('.header-special').removeClass('active-slide-side-header'); $('.toggle_menu_side_special').removeClass('active'); }); //toggle mobile menu $('.page_header .toggle_menu:not(.toggle_menu_side_special), .page_toplogo .toggle_menu').on('click', function () { $(this) .toggleClass('mobile-active') .closest('.page_header') .toggleClass('mobile-active') .end() .closest('.page_toplogo') .next() .find('.page_header') .toggleClass('mobile-active'); $('.page_topline').toggleClass('index'); }); $('.sf-menu a').on('click', function () { var $this = $(this); //If this is a local link or item with sumbenu - not toggling menu if (($this.hasClass('sf-with-ul')) || !($this.attr('href').charAt(0) === '#')) { return; } $this .closest('.page_header') .toggleClass('mobile-active') .find('.toggle_menu') .toggleClass('mobile-active'); }); //side header processing var $sideHeader = $('.page_header_side'); // toggle sub-menus visibility on menu-click $('ul.menu-click').find('li').each(function () { var $thisLi = $(this); //toggle submenu only for menu items with submenu if ($thisLi.find('ul').length) { $thisLi .append('') //adding anchor .find('.toggle_submenu, > a') .on('click', function (e) { var $thisSpanOrA = $(this); //if this is a link and it is already opened - going to link if (($thisSpanOrA.attr('href') === '#') || !($thisSpanOrA.parent().hasClass('active-submenu'))) { e.preventDefault(); } if ($thisSpanOrA.parent().hasClass('active-submenu')) { $thisSpanOrA.parent().removeClass('active-submenu'); return; } $thisLi.addClass('active-submenu').siblings().removeClass('active-submenu'); }); } //eof sumbenu check }); if ($sideHeader.length) { $('.toggle_menu_side').on('click', function () { var $thisToggler = $(this); $thisToggler.toggleClass('active'); if ($thisToggler.hasClass('header-slide')) { $sideHeader.toggleClass('active-slide-side-header'); } else { if ($thisToggler.parent().hasClass('header_side_right')) { $body.toggleClass('active-side-header slide-right'); } else { $body.toggleClass('active-side-header'); } $body.parent().toggleClass('html-active-push-header'); } //fixing mega menu and aside affix on toggling side sticked header if ($thisToggler.closest('.header_side_sticked').length) { initMegaMenu(600); var $affixAside = $('.affix-aside'); if ($affixAside.length) { $affixAside.removeClass("affix affix-bottom").addClass("affix-top").css({ "width": "", "left": "" }).trigger('affix-top.bs.affix'); setTimeout(function () { $affixAside.removeClass("affix affix-bottom").addClass("affix-top").css({ "width": "", "left": "" }).trigger('affix-top.bs.affix'); }, 10); } } }); //hidding side header on click outside header $body.on('mousedown touchstart', function (e) { if (!($(e.target).closest('.page_header_side').length) && !($sideHeader.hasClass('header_side_sticked'))) { $sideHeader.removeClass('active-slide-side-header'); $body.removeClass('active-side-header slide-right'); $body.parent().removeClass('html-active-push-header'); var $toggler = $('.toggle_menu_side'); if (($toggler).hasClass('active')) { $toggler.removeClass('active'); } } }); } //sideHeader check //1 and 2/3/4th level offscreen fix var MainWindowWidth = $window.width(); $window.on('resize', function () { MainWindowWidth = $(window).width(); }); //2/3/4 levels $('.top-nav .sf-menu').on('mouseover', 'ul li', function () { // $('.mainmenu').on('mouseover', 'ul li', function(){ if (MainWindowWidth > 991) { var $this = $(this); // checks if third level menu exist var subMenuExist = $this.find('ul').length; if (subMenuExist > 0) { var subMenuWidth = $this.find('ul, div').first().width(); var subMenuOffset = $this.find('ul, div').first().parent().offset().left + subMenuWidth; // if sub menu is off screen, give new position if ((subMenuOffset + subMenuWidth) > MainWindowWidth) { var newSubMenuPosition = subMenuWidth + 0; $this.find('ul, div').first().css({ left: -newSubMenuPosition, }); } else { $this.find('ul, div').first().css({ left: '100%', }); } } } //1st level }).on('mouseover', '> li', function () { if (MainWindowWidth > 991) { var $this = $(this); var subMenuExist = $this.find('ul').length; if (subMenuExist > 0) { var subMenuWidth = $this.find('ul').width(); var subMenuOffset = $this.find('ul').parent().offset().left; // if sub menu is off screen, give new position if ((subMenuOffset + subMenuWidth) > MainWindowWidth) { var newSubMenuPosition = MainWindowWidth - (subMenuOffset + subMenuWidth); $this.find('ul').first().css({ left: newSubMenuPosition, }); } } } }); ///////////////////////////////////////// //single page localscroll and scrollspy// ///////////////////////////////////////// var navHeight = $('.page_header').outerHeight(true); //if sidebar nav exists - binding to it. Else - to main horizontal nav if ($('.mainmenu_side_wrapper').length) { $body.scrollspy({ target: '.mainmenu_side_wrapper', offset: navHeight ? navHeight : 50 }); } else if ($('.top-nav').length) { $body.scrollspy({ target: '.top-nav', offset: navHeight }) } if ($().localScroll) { $('.top-nav > ul, .mainmenu_side_wrapper > ul, #land, .comments-link, .mouse_down').localScroll({ duration: 900, easing: 'easeInOutQuart', offset: -navHeight + 40 }); } //background image teaser and sections with half image bg //put this before prettyPhoto init because image may be wrapped in prettyPhoto link $(".bg_teaser, .cover-image").each(function () { var $element = $(this); var $image = $element.find("img").first(); if (!$image.length) { $image = $element.parent().find("img").first(); } if (!$image.length) { return; } var imagePath = $image.attr("src"); $element.css("background-image", "url(" + imagePath + ")"); var $imageParent = $image.parent(); //if image inside link - adding this link, removing gallery to preserve duplicating gallery items if ($imageParent.is('a')) { $element.prepend($image.parent().clone().html('')); $imageParent.attr('data-gal', ''); } }); //video images preview - from WP $('.embed-placeholder').each(function(){ $(this).on('click', function(e) { var $thisLink = $(this); // if prettyPhoto popup with YouTube - return if ($thisLink.attr('data-gal')) { return; } e.preventDefault(); if ($thisLink.attr('href') === '' || $thisLink.attr('href') === '#') { $thisLink.replaceWith($thisLink.data('iframe').replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/$lt;/g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/$quot;/g, '"')).trigger('click'); } else { $thisLink.replaceWith(''); } }); }); //toTop if ($().UItoTop) { $().UItoTop({easingType: 'easeInOutQuart'}); } //parallax if ($().parallax) { $('.s-parallax').parallax("50%", 0.01); } //prettyPhoto if ($().prettyPhoto) { $("a[data-gal^='prettyPhoto']").prettyPhoto({ hook: 'data-gal', theme: 'facebook' /* light_rounded / dark_rounded / light_square / dark_square / facebook / pp_default*/ }); } initPhotoSwipe(); //////////////////////////////////////// //init Bootstrap JS components// //////////////////////////////////////// //adding .form-control class for search widgets $('[type="search"]').addClass('form-control'); //bootstrap carousel if ($().carousel) { $('.carousel').carousel(); } //bootstrap tab - show first tab $('.nav-tabs').each(function () { $(this).find('a').first().tab('show'); }); //video in bootstrap tabs $('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown.bs.tab', function (e) { var iframe = $(e.relatedTarget.hash).find('iframe'); var src = iframe.attr('src'); iframe.attr('src', ''); iframe.attr('src', src); }); $('.tab-content').each(function () { $(this).find('.tab-pane').first().addClass('fade in'); }); //bootstrap collapse - show first tab $('.panel-group').each(function () { $(this).find('a').first().filter('.collapsed').trigger('click'); }); //tooltip if ($().tooltip) { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); } //comingsoon counter if ($().countdown) { var $counter = $('#comingsoon-countdown, #comingsoon-countdown2'); //today date plus month for demo purpose var date = ($counter.data('date') !== 'undefined') ? $counter.data('date') : false; if (date) { date = new Date(date); } else { date = new Date(); date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1); } $counter.countdown({until: date}); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //PHP widgets - contact form, search, MailChimp// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //contact form processing $('form.contact-form').on('submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $form = $(this); $($form).find('.contact-form-respond').remove(); //checking on empty values $($form).find('[aria-required="true"], [required]').each(function (index) { var $thisRequired = $(this); if (!$thisRequired.val().length) { $thisRequired .addClass('invalid') .on('focus', function () { $thisRequired .removeClass('invalid'); }); } }); //if one of form fields is empty - exit if ($form.find('[aria-required="true"], [required]').hasClass('invalid')) { return; } //sending form data to PHP server if fields are not empty var request = $form.serialize(); var ajax = jQuery.post("contact-form.php", request) .done(function (data) { $($form).find('[type="submit"]').attr('disabled', false).parent().append('
    ' + data + '
    '); //cleaning form var $formErrors = $form.find('.form-errors'); if (!$formErrors.length) { $form[0].reset(); } }) .fail(function (data) { $($form).find('[type="submit"]').attr('disabled', false).blur().parent().append('
    Mail cannot be sent. You need PHP server to send mail.
    '); }) }); //search modal $(".search_modal_button").on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#search_modal').modal('show').find('input').first().focus(); }); //search form processing - not need in WP $('form.searchform, form.search-form').on('submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $form = $(this); var $searchModal = $('#search_modal'); $searchModal.find('div.searchform-respond').remove(); //checking on empty values $($form).find('[type="text"], [type="search"]').each(function (index) { var $thisField = $(this); if (!$thisField.val().length) { $thisField .addClass('invalid') .on('focus', function () { $thisField.removeClass('invalid') }); } }); //if one of form fields is empty - exit if ($form.find('[type="text"]').hasClass('invalid')) { return; } $searchModal.modal('show'); //sending form data to PHP server if fields are not empty var request = $form.serialize(); var ajax = jQuery.post("search.php", request) .done(function (data) { $searchModal.append('
    ' + data + '
    '); }) .fail(function (data) { $searchModal.append('
    Search cannot be done. You need PHP server to search.
    '); }) }); //MailChimp subscribe form processing $('.signup').on('submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $form = $(this); // update user interface $form.find('.response').html('Adding email address...'); // Prepare query string and send AJAX request jQuery.ajax({ url: 'mailchimp/store-address.php', data: 'ajax=true&email=' + escape($form.find('.mailchimp_email').val()), success: function (msg) { $form.find('.response').html(msg); } }); }); //twitter if ($().tweet) { $('.twitter').tweet({ modpath: "./twitter/", count: 2, avatar_size: 48, loading_text: 'loading twitter feed...', join_text: 'auto', username: 'michaeljackson', template: "{avatar}
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